E.U.R.O. Europe United Ribbons Organization, based in Noale (VE)
Thermal Transfer Ribbon Converter
Present in Italy since 2002, E.U.R.O. is a company specialized in the customization and tailor-made cutting of thermal transfer ribbons.
Twenty years of experience in the industry allows us to satisfy ribbon requests for any type of thermal transfer printer, from the classic Flat Head desktop to the more sophisticated and performing Near Edge.
We use the latest FAES cutting machinery and state of the art manufacturing methods, which enable us to offer an outstanding range of products at very competitive prices.
Currently, the company has increased their efficiency in the production department by adding a fifth cutting machine and by moving to a new building of over 2800 m2, making it possible to export our products to over 15 European and non-European countries in a very short time.
Our Team
E.U.R.O. has always had great faith in people and their ability to innovate and improve. Our team is made up of 20 young energetic people who are focused on customer satisfaction
“Dreams are free, dream big!”
Tony PuggiottoFounder of E.U.R.O.
Il segreto sta nel circondarsi di persone con il tuo stesso obiettivo
E-mail: export@eurosrl.com
There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way
Tel: +39 3496447462
E-mail: logistica@eurosrl.com
Los detalles son los que cuentan
Tel: +39 3450688255
E-mail: ordini@eurosrl.com
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
Tel: +39 3917648718
E-mail: ttr@eurosrl.com
Un gruppo di persone che condivide un obiettivo comune può raggiungere l’impossibile con un unico cuore
Tel: +39 3421876540
E-mail: vendite@eurosrl.com
La vie est faite de quelques rencontres privilégiées qui nous nourrissent toute notre vie
Tel: +39 3452624080
E-mail: sales@eurosrl.com
Our services
Our method of working is focused on quality and our effort is aimed at fully satisfying our customers
Maximum customization
We create customized ribbons with your codes and logos, with standard and special cores, both in cardboard and plastic, packed in a wide range of boxes
Certified company
Environmentally friendly
We produce ribbons free of dangerous substances that can be disposed of following the rules of common separate waste collection
Reliable products
We regularly carry out thorough tests, leak tests and reliability checks over time, selecting for you the best products available on the market
Customer Care
We offer our customers prompt and constant assistance to advise you about the product that best meets your needs
Fast shipping
We produce and quickly deliver a wide range of products, even directly to your customer